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Renewable Energy Certificates - For Commercial Customers Only

For a no-obligation custom analysis of how your business can "go green" with a purchase of renewable energy certificates, and information about how your business can earn EPA Green Power Partner status and a point towards LEED certification, please contact us at (866) 955-2677, or fill out our online form.

Alternatively, please browse our available renewable energy certificates by clicking on a link below:

Why buy green power?

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are a renewable ("green") energy product that every U.S. business, college, non–profit organization, government agency and individual consumer can purchase to reduce the environmental impact of everyday activities.

Purchasing RECs is an effective way to green up electricity and neutralize carbon. RECs are also called green tags, green credits, renewable certificates, renewable credits and Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs).

A REC represents all the environmental attributes – for example, avoided carbon dioxide emissions – that are created when electricity is generated using renewable resources instead of using fossil fuel sources such as coal, oil and natural gas. The purchase of RECs supports renewable electricity generation, which can help offset conventional electricity generation in the region where the renewable generator is located. The ability to acquire RECs independent of electricity means buyers can "green up" without having access to utility–provided green power and without having to switch to another electricity provider. The overall benefit of buying a REC product or green power (commodity electricity + RECs) is exactly the same. Both products clear the air by offsetting emissions from regular fossil–fueled power plants. They also contribute to sustainability, energy security, energy independence and domestic economies.

Our Carbon Neutral Calculator can help you to calculate how much renewable energy credits you need to buy to offet your carbon emissions.

  1. Certificate of Environmental Stewardship
  2. Energy Facts Label
  3. Estimated Environmental Benefits
  4. EPA Green Power Partnership Welcome Kit*
  5. EPA Green Power Partnership Agreement*
  6. Press Release Template*
  7. Marketing and Communications Assistance*

Your Organizations Baseload: If your annual electricity use in kilowatt–hours is: Green Power Partner Requirements: You must at a minimum purchase this quantity of renewable energy credits, (or other green power), within one year of joining the Partnership Green Power Leadership Club Requirements: You must at a minimum purchase this quantity of renewable energy credits, (or other green power), within one year of joining the Partnership
≥100,000,001 kWh 3% of your use 30% of your use
10,000,001 – 100,000,000 kWh 5% of your use 50% of your use
1,000,001 – 10,000,000 kWh 10% of your use 100% of your use
≤1,000,000 kWh 20% of your use Not Applicable

U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership
Selecting any option in the table above will achieve membership in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's(EPA) Green Power Partnership.

Membership in the EPA Green Power Partnership Leadership Club, a sub–section of the Partnership that recognizes exemplary commitments to renewable energy, is only available for energy users consuming 1,000,000 kWh or more.

As an EPA Green Power Partnership member, businesses can use the Green Power Partnership logo in marketing and other promotional materials and receive information and support, marketing and communications assistance, peer exchange and various forms of public recognition.

For assistance with determining exactly how much energy your home or business consumes annually, please compile the last 12 months of all of your electricity bills and fax them to us at fax: (866) 275–3083, attention Javier Barrios. Or call us toll free at (866) 955–2677.